Self-hosting Ente Photos: my journey to Google Photos alternative

In an age where our digital memories are some of our most precious possessions, finding the right photo storage solution is crucial.

For years, I relied on iCloud Photos and Google Photos for convenience, but I’ve been more concerned about privacy, control, and ownership of my data nowadays. This led me to discover - an end-to-end encrypted photo storage alternative that prioritizes privacy without sacrificing usability.

While Ente offers a paid service, its open-source nature allows for self-hosting. In this post, I’ll share my journey of setting up a self-hosted Ente server on my Raspberry Pi, the challenges I faced, and how I overcame them. By the end, you’ll have a roadmap to create your own private, secure photo storage system 😊

Why Self-host Ente?

Before diving into the technical details, let’s understand why self-hosting Ente is compelling:


To follow this guide, you’ll need:

Step 1: Creating the directory structure

I started by creating a dedicated directory for the Ente installation:

sudo mkdir -p /opt/ente/config
cd /opt/ente/config

This organized approach made it easier to manage configuration files and backups.

Step 2: Setting up Docker Compose

Next, I created a Docker Compose file that would define my Ente infrastructure. Ente consists of three main components:

  1. Museum: The core API server
  2. PostgreSQL: Database for metadata
  3. MinIO: S3-compatible object local storage for photos

Here’s the compose file I ended up with:

version: '3.8'

    container_name: ente
    restart: unless-stopped
      - "8080:8080"
      - "2112:2112" # Prometheus metrics
        condition: service_healthy
      ENTE_CREDENTIALS_FILE: /credentials.yaml
      ENTE_S3_ENDPOINT_OVERRIDE: https://minio.<your_domain>
      - custom-logs:/var/logs
      - /opt/ente/config/museum.yaml:/museum.yaml:ro
      - /opt/ente/config/credentials.yaml:/credentials.yaml:ro
      - ente_network

    image: postgres:15
    container_name: ente_postgres
    restart: unless-stopped
      POSTGRES_USER: pguser
      POSTGRES_DB: ente_db
      test: ["CMD", "pg_isready", "-q", "-d", "ente_db", "-U", "pguser"]
      start_period: 40s
      start_interval: 1s
      - postgres-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
      - ente_network

    image: minio/minio
    container_name: ente_minio
    restart: unless-stopped
      - "3200:3200" # API
      - "3201:3201" # Console
      MINIO_ROOT_USER: ente_admin
      MINIO_SERVER_URL: https://minio.<your_domain>
      MINIO_BROWSER: "on"
    command: server /data --address ":3200" --console-address ":3201"
      - minio-data:/data
      - ente_network

    image: minio/mc
    container_name: ente_minio_provision
      - minio
      - /opt/ente/config/
      - minio-data:/data
      - ente_network
    entrypoint: sh /


    driver: bridge

This setup creates a self-contained environment with all components isolated on their own network.

Step 3: Creating configuration files

Ente requires several configuration files to work properly. I created them one by one:


This configures the main Ente server:

  encryption: "<generated_encryption_key>"
  hash: "<generated_hash_key>"

  secret: "<generated_jwt_secret>"

  are_local_buckets: false  # Using Nginx Proxy Manager for SSL
  use_path_style_urls: true
  endpoint_override: https://minio.<your_domain>
    primary: b2-eu-cen
    key: ente_admin
    secret: ${MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD}
    endpoint: https://minio.<your_domain>
    region: eu-central-2
    bucket: b2-eu-cen
    force_path_style: true

  disable-registration: false
    - <redacted>

  public-albums: https://ente.<your_domain>

  use-tls: false  # Using Nginx Proxy Manager for SSL

  enabled: false


This file provides database and S3 credentials:

    host: postgres
    port: 5432
    name: ente_db
    user: pguser
    password: pgpass

    are_local_buckets: false
    endpoint_override: https://minio.<your_domain>
        key: ente_admin
        secret: ${MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD}
        endpoint: https://minio.<your_domain>
        region: eu-central-2
        bucket: b2-eu-cen
        force_path_style: true

This script sets up MinIO buckets and permissions:


# Script used to prepare the minio instance that runs as part of the development
# Docker compose cluster.

while ! mc config host add h0 http://minio:3200 ente_admin "<MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD>"
   echo "waiting for minio..."
   sleep 0.5

cd /data

mc mb -p b2-eu-cen
mc mb -p wasabi-eu-central-2-v3
mc mb -p scw-eu-fr-v3

I made this script executable:

sudo chmod +x /opt/ente/config/

Step 4: Setting up domains in Nginx Proxy Manager

I configured two domains in Nginx Proxy Manager:

  1. ente.<your_domain> - For the Ente server
  2. minio.<your_domain> - For MinIO storage

Ente server configuration

Step 5: Generating security keys

For security, I generated random encryption keys:

openssl rand -base64 32  # For encryption key
openssl rand -base64 64  # For hash key
openssl rand -base64 32  # For JWT secret

These were added to the museum.yaml file, ensuring the cryptographic security of all stored data.

Step 6: Deploying with Portainer

With everything configured, I deployed the stack using Portainer:

  1. Created a new stack named “ente”
  2. Pasted my docker-compose.yaml
  3. Added an environment variable for MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD with a strong password
  4. Deployed the stack

Step 7: Creating an account and setting up an admin

After everything was running:

  1. Connect the apps to a custom server:
  2. Created a new account
  3. Since email sending wasn’t configured, I had to retrieve the verification code from the server logs. You can check them in Portainer. Know more about it here:
  4. After logging in, it is important to found your user ID to make you an admin. You can also check it from the logs or in the database like:
    docker exec ente_postgres psql -U pguser -d ente_db -c "SELECT user_id, email FROM users;"
  5. Added this ID to the museum.yaml file under the internal.admins section
  6. Restarted the stack to apply the changes

Step 8: Setting up unlimited storage

By default, Ente limits storage capacity, but as a self-hosted instance administrator, I could grant unlimited storage:

# Install the CLI
mkdir -p ~/.local/bin

# Download and extract the CLI (See what's the latest CLI version at
wget -O /tmp/ente-cli.tar.gz
tar -xf /tmp/ente-cli.tar.gz -C /tmp
mv /tmp/ente ~/.local/bin/
chmod +x ~/.local/bin/ente

# Create the config dir
mkdir -p ~/.ente

# Create config.yaml
cat > ~/.ente/config.yaml << EOF
  api: "https://ente.<your_domain>"
  accounts: "https://ente.<your_domain>"

  http: false

# Set up secrets for the CLI
mkdir -p ~/.ente/secrets
openssl rand 32 > ~/.ente/secrets/secrets.txt
chmod 600 ~/.ente/secrets/secrets.txt
export ENTE_CLI_SECRETS_PATH="$HOME/.ente/secrets/secrets.txt"

# Add the account
ente account add

# Update subscription to unlimited
ente admin update-subscription -a [email protected] --user [email protected] --no-limit True

This effectively gave me 100TB of storage with a 100-year subscription - more than enough for my needs!

Step 9: Troubleshooting upload issues

This was the most challenging part of my journey. Initially, uploads failed with “The following files were not uploaded” errors. The main issues were:

Problem 1: Network addressing

The desktop client was trying to upload directly to http://localhost:3200 - which works on the server but not from my Mac. I resolved this by:

  1. Setting are_local_buckets: false in configurations
  2. Setting up a dedicated domain for MinIO (minio.)
  3. Using my domain instead of localhost in S3 endpoint configurations
  4. Setting up proper Nginx routing

Problem 2: CORS Issues

MinIO needed proper CORS configuration to accept uploads from different origins:

    "CORSRules": [
            "AllowedOrigins": ["https://ente.<your_domain>"],
            "AllowedHeaders": ["*"],
            "AllowedMethods": ["GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE"],
            "MaxAgeSeconds": 3000,
            "ExposeHeaders": ["Etag"]

Step 10: Setting up backup mechanism

In another machine, I had to setup Ente CLI like I did for the inscreasing space step. Then, I configured the Ente CLI for regular backups:

# Create backup directory
mkdir -p ~/ente-data

# Configure account with export path
ente account update --email [email protected] --dir ~/ente-data

# Set up a cron job for nightly backups
crontab -e
# Add: 0 2 * * * /home/falcon/.local/bin/ente export >> /home/falcon/ente-export.log 2>&1

This ensures I have an additional layer of protection for my photos beyond the encrypted storage.

Benefits of my self-hosted Ente setup

Now that everything is working, I’m enjoying several advantages:

  1. Privacy: All my photos are end-to-end encrypted with keys I control
  2. Full ownership: My data never leaves my infrastructure
  3. No subscription fees: I only pay for the hardware and electricity
  4. Unlimited storage: I can expand storage as needed
  5. Desktop and mobile apps: Still using official Ente apps but connecting to my server
  6. Sharing capability: I can share albums with family and friends
  7. Backup workflow: Regular exports ensure additional data protection

If you’re considering self-hosting Ente, here are my recommendations:

Start with official documentation. Ente’s documentation is helpful but you may need to piece things together.


Self-hosting Ente has been a rewarding journey. While it required some technical know-how and troubleshooting, the result is a private, secure alternative to iCloud Photos or Google Photos that I fully control. My photos are now stored on my own infrastructure, encrypted with keys only I possess, while still enjoying the convenience of modern photo applications.

If you value privacy and control over your data, self-hosting Ente is definitely worth considering. The initial setup challenges are offset by the long-term benefits of truly owning your digital memories.

Remember that self-hosting comes with responsibilities - you’ll need to handle backups, security updates, and maintenance. But for many privacy-conscious users, that’s a small price to pay for true data sovereignty.

Have you self-hosted any privacy-focused applications? Are you considering setting up your own Ente server? Let me know about your experiences:

Thank you for reading,