Self-hosting Ente Photos: my journey to Google Photos alternative

In an age where our digital memories are some of our most precious possessions, finding the right photo storage solution is crucial.

My spare time project is five years old!

Money v5 has been released with iOS 14 support.

Essential principles in money management

What are your personal finance rules? Keep them brief.

Distribute your iOS app using a public link

There are many services that help you distribute your app just with a simple public link. Even TestFlight now supports distributing beta’s using a public link but only for versions that have been reviewed by Apple. But, sometimes, we just want to send a quick prototype and avoid Apple reviews or other services that can be more time expensive. OTA is one of the ways!

Invoice Apple if required

Invoices are not required in order to receive payment from Apple but some countries are subject to invoice requirements in accordance with local laws and statutes.

Analyse the performance of your app subscriptions

If you have an app that includes in-app subscriptions, then hopefully one day you’ll want to analyse the performance of each subscription or even the conversion rate from an introductory offer to a standard price.

ARKit introduction

Measure the distance between two points using your iPhone or iPad.

Load content after selecting a provider from UIActivityViewController

Do you ever wondered how could share an image data instead of it’s URL?

Fastlane experience

This will save you some time.

iOS Interfaces with Xcode Playgrounds

Build interfaces a little faster by having realtime updates like React Native does.

Deploying Automatically using WebHooks

Time is precious. Automate your processes.

iOS Keyboard Key Button

If you’re creating a custom iOS keyboard, this may interest you.

UITableView with CAGradientLayer

How to create a nice fade effect on a UITableView.

Bitrise and Carthage

Bitrise doesn’t have a task for Carthage, at least for now. Here is how you can add Carthage support on your workflow.

Swift 2.0

A linguagem desenvolvida pela Apple chegou à versão 2.

Configuração de uma VPN com Docker

Festejar o dia Internacional da Privacidade de Dados a configurar uma VPN através do Docker.

Configurar a rede Eduroam num Android

Configuração necessária para aceder a uma rede Eduroam.

Uma retrospetiva do Android

Após 2 meses dedicados ao Android decidi fazer uma retrospetiva daquilo que senti ao longo do desenvolvimento do Examology.

Swift, a nova linguagem

Uma nova linguagem desenvolvida pela Apple que reune o que de melhor existe num conjunto vasto de linguagens desde Objective-C, Rust, Haskell, Ruby, Python, C#, Java, …

RESTful API com Controlo de Acesso

Duas estratégias de controlo de acesso aos vários endpoints de uma API. Exemplo de implementação em Node.js.

RESTful API com Node.js

Hoje em dia são poucas as aplicações que não necessitam de um backend service para suporte de dados. Para um indie developer é fundamental ter esse conhecimento.

3,5 Polegadas

Saíram os novos iPhone 6 / iPhone 6 Plus e com eles terminaram com o lema “one size fits all”. Neste artigo quero-me dedicar à usabilidade tendo em conta o tamanho do ecrã de um smartphone.

Jekyll, passo a passo

A descrição das várias tecnologias utilizadas para a construção deste blog. Estão descritas todas as etapas necessárias.

Um novo blog

O processo de mudança de plataforma e de atitude. Tive em conta várias alternativas mas acabei por construir o meu novo blog em Jekyll.